Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Visit From Our Favorite Nurse

16 Weeks 1 Day

I posted this on facebook a few days ago, but I wanted to post it here as well as this is an important part of Adaline's life!

This is why I almost cried each time there was a shift change at the hospital when Adaline was there. Her nurses were so good to her and genuinely cared about her. It is such a contrast from the experience a family had abroad with their newly adopted child that I had read about:
"I experienced first hand the disgusted look the EMS people gave my little girl. The way they left her barely clothed on the bed. The way they spoke the words: "Down Syndrome'', spitting them out with anger and repeating over and over. We were unfit parents and she should have remained in her institution. Five hospitals refused her medical care. My facilitator held her hand out for 200 hrivna bills more times than I can count at the hospital that finally admitted her. That money was paid to the doctor, to the nurses, as "incentive money". One nurse was especially horrible to Kori and caused her pain on purpose. My facilitator met her in the hallway and handed her a 200 hrivna bill in exchange for humane treatment for my daughter. " - You can read more here and see before and after pictures of their daughter -http://covenantbuilders.blogspot.com/2012/01/koris-story.html

The person that is holding Adaline was one of her nurses while she was in the hospital with RSV. She has kept in touch with us to see how she is doing and she came to visit today. She also made Adaline a blanket for her to snuggle while she was in the hospital.

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