Monday, June 11, 2012

A Good Week for Development

15 Weeks

Adaline has gone quite awhile without doing anything new and exciting. My son did/does exactly the same thing, so I know I shouldn't worry, but sometimes I wonder if she will just be a baby forever.

However, just like my son, when it rains it pours!

First, in church on Sunday she held her head up with perfect posture for about 4 minutes during a song. She may have done it for longer, but I was worried about her and had her rest against me.

Then, today I caught her doing this:
She has kicked the rattles before, but she seems to be looking at them now and looks like she actually intends to kick them.

I am still waiting for my smile and keep thinking she might be doing it, but sometimes she lets out gas or something right after. I am waiting for that smile that gets brighter when you smile back and that hasn't happened yet.

I have also started making ribbon flowers for my other blog

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