Tuesday, May 1, 2012

To Ann Arbor to see an eye specialist

10 Weeks 1 Day

I took Adaline to an eye specialist today. The person (nurse?) that did the pre-doctor questions was not super bright. She asked what Down Syndrome was and some other weird questions.

The doctor said he was not very concerned about the reason I brought her in (Retinopothy of Prematurity) since she was over 4lb at birth. They are most concerned with 1 and 2 lb babies. However, he did notice that her eyes seemed hard and he tested them and they measured a bit hard as well. Her eyes need to be dilated to do a full exam and with them having high pressure, it can be dangerous. SO.... we have to go to Ann Arbor on Monday to have her eyes dilated at the hospital where there is a team there should she have complications. The good news is that if she does indeed have Glaucoma or Cataracts, they can be surgically treated, but I worry that the test for it sounds so dangerous...

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