Friday, March 2, 2012

Life is good

5 Days

These last few days have been filled with SO much joy for me. I know the future will bring challenges, but life is good now and I want to live in the moment and enjoy it.
For those of you that don't know, we have named our daughter Adaline Hope.
We all came home after only 48 hours in the hospital. Having just down syndrome, a heart condition or being a month premature is enough to send some babies to the NICU, but she has all three and is doing great! Our pediatrician cannot get over the fact that she cannot hear a murmur.
While I am a bit uneasy about how many first responders saw me on all fours in my birthday suit, I could not have asked for a better birth. My sons birth was very traumatic. I got an infection and I don't remember much of the first month of his life. I have been able to be a part of SO much more of her first few days and I am so grateful for that. Other than being tired from only getting an hours sleep at a time I feel SO good and human. I even got to go the car seat class my husband told me about from last time. It was epic. I thought I was a drug addict being scared straight (think Chris Farley and the SNL van down by the river skit). I love that I can be such a big part of her first days.
I love my daughter so much. I don't see downs syndrome when I look at her. I see a very tiny little girl who is my daughter. She has 10 fingers and 10 toes and adorable nose and mouth, great facial expressions and a full head of redish hair (her dads wish come true). She is perfect.

Today I realized how lucky she is to be born here. Although she has only been here for 5 days, I have never once felt like someone cared for her less because of her diagnosis. I could not imagine having to pay bribe money in exchange for her humane treatment.
I know many of you who read this blog are familiar with, but for those of you that are not, would you please consider finding a child or family on there to pray for? Adaline has SO much. If you feel lead to honor her birth with a gift, would you consider a gift of money to a child or family who is working to bring a child home from a country where they are not treated with the same respect?


  1. Tears here Katherine. For your joy. For your acceptance. For your selflessness. The first 5 days of my sons life were filled with tears of grief. 5 days I'll never get back. 5 days I regret to this day. Bless you. And bless you for blessing Reeces rainbow babies. They so desperately need it. I will be making a donation to "Justin" on RR in honor of Adaline Hope. (I am his prayer warrior!)

  2. Congratulations to you, and thank you for what you're doing for the RR kids and families. We're one of those families, and your story was especially touching to me because of this. May God bless your family. :o)

  3. That is so wonderful that you are reaching out to other children at this time - that yes, weren't fortunate to be born here in a country where we do our best to care for and value all children. Congratulations to you on the birth of your beautiful daughter! I know this is a road you did expect to go down (I didn't at all expect it 6 years ago this month) but I can't even tell you the extra joy, extra laughter, extra love and appreciation that has come from that extra chromosome. Yes, challenges as well but somehow the joy and the good swallows that up most of the time. Most importantly, these precious babies are just *ours*. Precious because despite the extra chromosome, they still get their features, personality, and attitudes from their parents - the having Down syndrome is just a part of who she is, not everything.

    Congrats again! Welcome to this wonderful adventure of parenthood! I'm so jealous of you right now - I'd give anything to go back and do it all over again with my Grant!

  4. Congratulations!!!! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!

    i've been here before and somehow lost you. If I don't add a blog to my blogroll immediately it's gone. i actually think I can depend on my own memory to find my way back.

    Anyhoo, I'm delighted to see Adaline Hope(beautiful name) And so glad to hear she is doing so well!!!

    Adding you right now so I don't lose you again!! And thank you so much for remembering our RR children!!!

  5. Katherine,
    I just love your heart! You are such a beautiful person, inside and out. I am so glad that God placed you in my path during our adoption of Anna and thank you for all that you did to help raise money for her. Adaline is such a lucky little girl to have you as her mommy and you already know that you are blessed to have her as your daughter. I feel so blessed to know you and can follow your new journey with your precious baby. Congratulations! Adaline is so beautiful and blessed :)
