A quick update. She was born at 12:08 today at home. She was 4lb 12oz. She has some downs features, but she is doing fantastic. They cannot even hear a heart murmor, so she is doing very well with her AVSD. She is currently in room with me and may even go home when I do. She is not interested in nursing, but she has had donor milk and already had a wet and dirty diaper. She is SO beautiful. Tomorrow we will get an Echo and perhaps even the results of her FISH test. We hope to talk with a speach pathologist and have a name picked out tomorrow as well!
Here is a timeline for those of you that are interested:
This morning, left a bit late for work to see if the contractions seemed to get worse or closer together. I didn't think she would come so early, so I assumed they were not real labor.8:50: After dealing with unrelated drama, ...I got to work.
10:30: Contractions started to get more intense than I could work through at work.
10:50: Decided to have Ryan come get me. I still wasn't sure this was the real thing, but I was uncomfortable and felt bad for my student employee who had to hear me breathe through it.
11:15: Ryan arrived as I was giving some instructions on how to do something to the student. When I stood up to leave I had a pretty intense contraction.
11:30: We arrived home.
11:45: I went to the bathroom and heard a "swoosh". Decided to call the midwife. As I was on the phone with her, I felt like I was going to pass out. She said to come in. I called for Ryan. Told him I was going to die and to tell Jamin I loved him.
11:54: I told Ryan to call an ambulance, baby was not going to wait. 911 told me to lay on my back. I refused.
12:08: She was born. I had her on Jamin's bed on my hands and knees surrounded by about 15 firefighters and other first responders.
12:22: I was being wheeled out of the house to the ambulance to go to the hospital.
Oh my goodness! She likes drama already! She is absolutely beautiful, and perfect! Congrats! And I'm glad you both are doing well!
She is a doll! LOVE IT! So glad you and her are doing well she is so beautiful!!